Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ain't Nuttin Pretty About This Post.....

Here are the last two calves that were born during the cold snap this week. At first the boy did not nurse, but seems to getting along fine now. Sorry they are such a mess. I will have to bring them into the house and give them a bath. OR.....I could just wash their jackets. Guess the jackets are keeping them somewhat clean besides keeping them warm.

This is Ling Ling because she was born soon after Bear, the Chinese Panda Bear calf. Did you get that? SHE is a heifer. Yahoo!!!! Only two heifers out of seven calves. I won't be going to Las Vegas soon or buying any lottery tickets. Why waste my money? You can tell by the red jacket that she is small.

This is Spot or Ike or Manx. I really haven't decided yet. He could be Spot because of the big spot on his nose. His mom throws calves with the wildest patterns on their heads. I was considering Ike until I noticed something else about his anatomy. I was considering Ike because he has "Tina Turner" legs. Boy is he tall. Or he could be Manx because he was born without a tail. What next? Guess he can get along without that part of his anatomy.

One thing about the calves born here, there ain't no two alike!!!


Nancy K. said...

No tail at ALL???
How is poor Ike going to keep the flies from eating him alive?


You better MAKE him a tail....

Sharrie said...

Oh, sure, Nancy! How would you suggest I affix it to his body? Flies aren't nearly as bad when cows are out on pasture as when cows are kept in the barn. Thank goodness! This one time, I am glad he was not a heifer.

Ebonwald Cardigans said...

did it freeze off or just nothing there? i've never experienced NO TAIL on a calf...and I've seen plenty! Interesting!!

Sharrie said...


Far as I can tell, just no tail. I will do a real inspection soon. It isn't the greatest thing to look forward to.

Rayna said...

It would almost be interesting to keep him and breed him (or sell him to someone who will breed him) to see if it would pass on? That's neat. Dairy farmers would probably LOVE it lol.