Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Waiting and Watching

Just another day in paradise. Nothing new happening here. It was a nice day, nice enough to go out and start to repair the disaster left by the snow plow. I hate raking that kind of stuff, but it was nice out at least. Tomorrow is supposed to be better, and I will continue my job.

The cows are fat or pregnant. The ewe is pregnant; I am pretty sure. That should be a real event. The only births I have been present at are the births of my two children. One I had drugs and the other one was a "piece of cake". I hope for a "piece of cake" for Ami. I am sure that I will be practically helpless. I have never even seen another animal born. I am scared speechless, and that is really saying something --(for those of you who know me). I can only hope that Ami's genes come through for her, and she takes care it of by herself. I have done everything that Nancy has told me to do, but I still feel totally unprepared. I just keep looking at her and wondering if she will give me a clue when this event is ready to happen. She probably will and I won't even know it. I hope it is one of those events like I am used to. I worry for weeks about something that is going to happen, and when it does happen, my worries were useless. We will see.

My house is progressing. I think. The Morris Brothers came last Thursday and poked around in the second floor and out on the roof. They will get us a more accurate estimate. We sent a drawing and the blueprints from our addition in Salem with them when they left. We will see what that brings. I really don't have much optimism tonight about having the project happen.

The guy? I wrote to about the historic preservation stuff said he would talk to his collegues on Wednesday next. That is tomorrow. I don't expect much from that either, but it is certainly worth my time.

I would post pictures with all this "hooey", but they can't handle my Mac.