Monday, December 09, 2013

What a poser!

This is Junior.    He is anything but little, but he has always been photogenic.  I couldn't resist this pose on the kitchen table with the ewe and her twins and the pine branch. 

We are experiencing a cold snap.   It has already lasted much too long, and it is only early December.  I hope this is not a portent of things to come.   I just keep getting older and colder.    The older I can handle, the colder..........not so much!


Taryn said...

Pretty cat! I hear you on the cold! Even here in the DC area, we have just had a snow/ice storm, which is unusual this early in the season. Bah!

Tombstone Livestock said...

Love the picture, now I will have to see if I can find salt and pepper shakers like yours.... I have a matching cookie jar and also a spoon rest. Adorable kitty.

Also your picture of the dogs looks like my sofa, only 2 but they take up the whole sofa, one Great Pyrenesee and a Border Collie.