Monday, October 18, 2010

Through the fence

He's got his eye on you!    Our newest sheep......a polled ram from Upper Michigan.......Bailleys.   Who couldn't love a sheep the color of milk chocolate?..........besides the fact that he is a wonderful young man.
 Our house guest.    He isn't quite four months old.    The Cardis think they liked him better when he just came for a short visist.
 Little do they know just how big he will be in the future.    Then, I think, he will calm down a bit.
 Pearl and Sammy who rush to the fence because they know I carry treats.
Our newest cat, Boots.   He is big and intact and friendly.   He recently joined Shaggy, a striped tomcat, who came earlier.    They both need to visit the friendly neighborhood vet clinic.   Someday I will take a picture of the big red "S" on my forehead.   Those cats see it and decide to join the group on our farm.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Ooooh, I love that ram!!!