Hi, Everybody,
It's me, Little Beaver. This is the first time that mom has let me write some stuff on this thing she calls a blog. Now, we, ....Mom and me, were having an argument. I say my ears are near perfect now. She says we might have to put that horrid tape on them again. I am appealing to all of you to set her straight and tell her that my ears will stand up more straight if she just loves me a lot and lets me lick her a big bunch. It is up to you all to tell her how it is. I am a real big boy now, and I can take it if you give her the wrong answer. You won't will you?
Oh, by the way, she says I am going to school tomorrow night. I hope it isn't as bad as the ear thing she told me was going to happen.
The Beave
Frankly Beave, I always thought your ears were pretty straight from the git-go.
Hang tight kid.
I agree with you Beave! Your ears are perfect. Enjoy school!
Those ears look pretty darn good to me! No more tape!
I say let them ears be! ;-) Don't forget your lunch for school.
Its the Cardigan sense of humor....they look great to me! Watch out for the bullies at school...esp. in that toy group:)
Sharrie they look good. Although if there are creases or folds in the ears I'd tape them again for a day or two. Mine were taped for 7 days. We'll see how they fare....
Hi Sharrie! I wanted to say congratulations on your Little Beaver. We knew him as Crockett and he was a personal favorite of mine and my husband's when we met him at Garrett's puppy party. What a darling personality he has! And so darn cute... Lucky you! I hope his transition into your family went well and I look forward to keeping up on his life via your blog. :)
Update on ears:
Ava's are both air-planing again, and Alamo has one that has air-planed again. *sigh*. Usually the biggest, heaviest ears are the hardest to keep up. Also thick cartilage will have to be re-taped. So you may not be out of the woods yet! I guess I'll be retaping them tomorrow....
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