Sunday, July 20, 2008

Always wear your seat belt!!

Well, I am thankful that Chevrolet makes their cars the way they do. Last Thursday, when I was just two miles from home, coming back from Chicago, 243 miles, a bucket truck blew a stop sign in front of me. I hit him going 55 miles an hour. I hit the brakes and thought that my life had ended. The next thing I knew, I was stopped in the intersection, turned around, and alive. I opened the door, grabbed the dog, who was uninjured, and got out of the car. I proceeded to walk over to the side of the road and sit down on the edge of the ditch. The truck was in the road on its side, and I was VERY surprised to see its driver walk around the back. He was OK, too. I went to the hospital, was judged to be scraped and bruised, but not seriously injured.

I have some major bruises from the seat and shoulder belts, possibly a cracked rib low on my left side, and a strange nerve thing in my upper lip, left side and my teeth on that side. That means more doctors tomorrow.

Dave is doing fine. I was in Chicago because he had back surgery last Tuesday. It seems to have solved his problem, and he can walk upright now. That is a wonderful outcome for that problem.

We need a new car, and I need to rest and recuperate. It is another of those scenes that will always play over in my mind-----just seeing the side of that white truck and knowing that I was going to hit it very, very hard.

I had much to thank God for ever since then and in church this morning.


Michelle said...

Sharrie! Praise God you're okay! I hope the company that owns the truck has very, very good insurance (read that cooperative and quick to pay full value and hospital bills!) Please keep us posted.

Nancy K. said...

OMG! I can't believe you escaped from that relatively unscathed!! Someone was sure watching over you!!

I'm so glad that you're OK, Sharrie. Take good care of yourself ~ you've had one hell of a year!!

Karen said...

Thank goodness it wasn't worse, Sharrie. Keep recuperating, & get some rest!