Thursday, September 20, 2012

Well-behaved dogs and lamb

This is Beaver and Lady.    Up until last week, I did not let Lady run loose.     One time of her taking off on me was more than enough.     Last week I decided that Beaver was able to handle keeping her from running off.    I hooked their leashes together and off they went.    It took until this week for her to really go out from me, but they both come running back when I call them.    Good dogs!!!!

This is them on their "wait" command.    They have learned that real well, and it really helps when we are walking for many different reasons.

This is Molly B.    She is the lamb that I got from Garrett this summer.     When she came here I put her in one of my jugs which were still set up from lambing.     She went "bonkers".    She looked like a dirt bike because it seemed that she was running up on the sides of the panels because she was so scared when I would come into the shed.     Poor thing, she had been pulled out of the pasture with her mom, carried in a trailer to my house and then housed in a tiny pen with no one to play with.     I let her out with the others soon afterwards because I couldn't stand to see her so terrified when I would come into view.     After that, she was fine with the group, but I could only catch her when I cornered her and grabbed her.     Well..................since then, she has been getting a little better and letting me touch her nose sometimes when I would bring apples to the pasture.      Last week, out of a clear blue sky, we became friends.     I went out to sit with the sheep one afternoon, and she came up to me, let me touch her, and scratch her all over, and then proceeded to lie at my feet.    She even stayed there when I slid down to sit on the ground.     She has stayed that way, and I can't do anything but shake my head in wonderment.      Now I have four lovely ladies who are totally friendly to add to my small flock.     Sure is fun to go out and sit with them.    Good lamb!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Split a Tractor???

He said he had to split the tractor to fix the PTO.     I had no idea what he meant by that.     It has taken him days to get to this point.    Now I can see why.     The reason for the split was the pin that was broken as shown in the second picture.     Guess this wouldn't be a problem if we had "newer" tractors, but we don't.

 You can see the jacks and the plates he is using to hold up the front of the tractor.    Another jack holds up the back part.    What skills this man has!!
Now we can use this tractor to run the silo filler to put our corn in the silo to help feed the cows we have left.    (Don't call this a hobby farm)