It is too hot here for the dogs to even stand up and play. Soooooooo, they lay down and play mouth games. Most of the noise comes from Scooter. Zippy is pretty quiet when he plays with his collies.
Although there are a lot of teeth showing, it is all in fun. Even with that ferocious looking set of teeth, they were only playing. Scooter seldom gets really upset with Zippy. Libby is more likely to react when she gets too much of the little razor teeth in Zippy's mouth.
Our Cardis do that mouth fighting game with our GSD. The first time I saw it, I almost had a heart attack!
Face Fighting! These guy came out of the womb face fighting. I think it is hotter there than here.
Thanks for the pictures. Peti jr. has got very excited!
Oh my gosh, the teeth! Hilarious...
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