This is all about Nutmeg and Sweet Woodruff ------ aka. Meggy and Ruffy. They are about three and a half months old now.
This is specificaly a "Shetland" post. I need help in evaluating my only lambs from last spring. If you are a "Shetland person", please leave a comment and tell me truthfully about these two youngsters. I am a big (read "old") girl, and I can take the truth. I will still love them very much because they are mine and because they are so darn cute.
This is what Ruffy's horns look like now. Is there hope for them and him?
These are rear views. I know they are not great photos, but I tried.
Please leave a comment and tell me what you think because I just don't get around any other Shetland people, and I don't know enough to make any kind of intelligent judgement.