It was a long weekend, yesterday. We left Friday night and drove to Janesville-- about three hours. We stayed at a motel where Scooter had no trouble making himself comfortable.
The next morning at seven, we left the motel with a destination in lower Michigan at the home of Stephen Rouse of Shetland sheep fame. After many trials and much tribulation mostly in Chicago, we arrived at his home at about 1:00 p.m. Luckily Stephen had stayed up to await our arrival. He graciously showed us his operation and corraled the three sheep we were buying. He is pictured with Sugarplum Snowflake, one of the two ewes. The other one Lemonade Lollie is fawn colored. The boy is gray. (He still needs a name.) They will provide the new color I wanted.
All three made it home in fine shape and so did we. Unfortunately it was 10:00 when we arrived. That was a long long day. Jake drove the whole way with much pain and agony getting through Chicago twice. It was really all Interstate driving except for 10 - 15 miles on each end, but, boy, are there ever a lot of cars on those interstates.
Now we are home in God's Country where the colors are glorious, and home is a great place to be.
The three new sheep will be a great addition to my small, small flock. I am up to four rams, one wether, and six ewes. One more would make a dozen. That sounds like a number I should strive for.
Snowflake looks like a REAL beauty! I can't wait to see the others. It's so good to see Stephen ~ even if it is just in a photo...isn't he a sweetheart???
Congratulations on the new sheep! I've got a real nice, BLACK, ewe lamb for sale.... (she CARRIES brown genetics!)
Me thinks you will be WAY over a dozen come lambing time! Why so many rams? (I have one ramlet and five - hopefully soon to be four - ewes.)
I am just a big pussycat. I can't get rid of any of the boys. I did, however, get rid of 3 ram lambs since I had 5 lambs this spring, and 4 were rams.
OK....I'm anxiously waiting to see the rest of the pictures of your new sheep. AND of Ami and daughter of course!
Yes, Nancy's right, Snowflake is really beautiful -- Stephen looks great too. He's such a fun guy.
Sounds like you had a ram lamb year this year, so next year should bring you plenty of ewe lambs. That's how it worked for us anyway, last year we had 11 ram lambs and 6 ewe lambs. This year we had 12 ewe lambs and only 4 ram lambs. Yes!
You asked about Ag on my blog in regard to my little ram, Jake. He is Ag/Aa, so about half his lambs would be grey or musket and half would be moorit or black colors depend on the ewes because he only carries brown). Hope that makes sense. Looks like you have quite a nice collection of sheep.
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